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We’ve been keeping a secret for 11 weeks — I’m 15 weeks pregnant!!!!
Yes, this news was possibly even more shocking than when we found out I was pregnant with Kierstyn after 10 years of infertility! In fact, we were so surprised, we waited a full week to tell our kids — which, if you know Jesse and me well, you know we can’t keep secrets from our kids!
We found out I was pregnant right after saying yes to adopting Baby D… who we thought was going to our family’s caboose! But God definitely had different plans and we just had laugh at the timing of it all!
We also have to marvel at how we went from grieving the loss of being told that we’d never be able to have more kids a few years ago (not even through IVF) to now prepping for having 3 littles with the oldest being barely 2 years old! Oh and at 40 and 41 years old! Only God!
We are all thrilled and excited with this very unexpected news and how God is writing a story here that is so different than what we could have ever dreamed or imagined!
I’m slowly coming back to life after 9 weeks or so of the usual morning-noon-and-night sickness and extreme exhaustion. If you’ve noticed I’ve not been sharing as much here and
not sharing food/cooking/recipes or videos with my face much on Instagram stories, now you know why!
For all the details on how we found out, how we told our kids, and more, be sure to listen to today’s podcast episode.
Want more details on my pregnancy? I’m sharing more and answering your questions over on Instagram today.
Note: I know that this news will be really hard for some of you to hear. You’d give anything to be pregnant and hearing another pregnancy announcement feels like a gut-punch. I want you to know you’ve been heavy on my heart and I’ve been praying specifically for you. I also want you to know that you have my full permission to unfollow or mute my social media accounts for awhile — whatever you need to do, please do it and know I will fully support you in that.
In This Episode
[00:34] – Welcome to another episode of
The Crystal Paine Show.
[01:28] – Our infertility journey.
[05:06] – The surprise of saying yes to adopting Baby D.
[06:54] – After saying yes to Baby D, we felt done and complete.
[09:27] – My reaction to the pregnancy test results.
[12:00] – Jesse explains how we shared the news with the kids.
[15:50] – We didn’t really tell any of our other close friends or our family for a while. Here’s why…
[20:40] – My heart has been heavy for those experiencing infertility and loss.