246. The Best Way to Encourage Your Single Friends (with Annie F. Downs)

Powered by RedCircle This episode is perfect as we approach Valentine’s Day… because every married person needs to listen to what Annie F. Downs shares in this episode. And all of the single people need to listen to this episode to be encouraged by Annie’s story and life!  Annie is the author of a number…

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245. Life is Messy, But God is Still Good (with Cynthia Yanof)

Powered by RedCircle I consider the mark of a good book one that makes you laugh and get teary-eyed in the space of a few pages. Cynthia Yanof’s book, Life is Messy, God is Good: Sanity for the Chaos of Everyday Life, did that very thing for me. Her ability to bring humor into life’s…

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244. A Crazy Airport Story + some fun life updates!

Powered by RedCircle So much has happened over the last few weeks, so today we’re sitting down to share a fun episode filled with lots of family updates and news. I share a crazy travel story, talk about my surprising sourdough journey, we give you some can’t-miss cold shower updates (please laugh!), talk about a…

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