175. Raising Emotionally Strong Boys (with David Thomas)
Powered by RedCircle Do you struggle with kids who get easily irritated or have angry outbursts? If so, you don’t want to miss this episode of The Crystal Paine Show where I interview David Thomas, therapist, dad of three, and author of Raising Emotionally Strong Boys: Tools Your Son Can Build On for Life. In…
Read More174. Teaching Your Kids to Set Goals
Powered by RedCircle Christina wrote in and asked: “I was wondering if your older children set their own goals and if they do, what does that process look like? I have a 9 and 6 year old and I would love to help them define small and large goals for themselves but I’m not sure how to translate…
Read More173. Our Fitness, Family, & Personal Goals for the Fall
Powered by RedCircle Since it’s the beginning of a new school year for us, Jesse and I sat down and shared some of our new mid-year goals that we each set for our fitness, family, and personal lives. If you need a little inspiration to set some new goals or to get back up on…
Read More172. Micah’s Birth Story
Powered by RedCircle This is the podcast episode so many of you have been waiting for! We not only share about Micah’s birth — which ended up being my easiest, least-eventful, and quickest birth of all of my births — but about some of the unexpected events leading up to the birth and the eventful…
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