The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.

Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, I my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."

Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding

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47. The Power of a Morning Routine

Powered by RedCircle We’re in the middle of getting back to the swing of things around here now that school has started back. One of the things that has made such a difference for us in jumping back in to getting everyone out the door early in the mornings is the fact that we had…

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46. Modesty, Legalism, and Grace

Powered by RedCircle Ever since Jesse and I did our show on breaking free from legalism, we’ve received a lot emails, messages, and comments all asking similar questions. The questions were all something like, “If you don’t adhere to legalism, what should you adhere to?” “How do you determine what you should believe and practice?”…

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45. The Apps & Tools We Use to Plan Our Day

Powered by RedCircle A question I get asked often is, “How do you plan your day and keep track of everything in an organized manner?” Well, in this week’s episode of The Crystal Paine Show, Jesse and I not only share what’s saving our lives and talk about books we are reading, but we also…

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44. Our #1 Tip for a Stronger Marriage

Powered by RedCircle Jesse and I are so very, very different. And I love it so much (well, most of the time!) Case in point: Jesse and I went to Home Depot recently to pick out lighting fixtures for the bathroom renovation. I walked in, scanned the shelves, and picked the first fixture that was…

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43. The Lies We Believed

Powered by RedCircle For the longest time, the words that I believed about myself were, “Not enough.” I had believed this lie long enough that it became my truth. I believed I wasn’t good enough for friendship, so that’s why I didn’t have any close friends. I became a world class people pleaser — and…

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42. Haters Gonna Hate

Powered by RedCircle What’s the best thing to do when you get a negative comment or find out you have disappointed someone? In this episode, Jesse and I talk about how to handle negative comments and what true confidence looks like.  Missed previous episodes of The Crystal Paine show? You can listen to them here. We Get…

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41. Building a Relationship of Trust With Your Kids

Powered by RedCircle “Do you feel like you can come to us and share your struggles honestly?” We sat the girls down last week and asked them this question. I told them that someone had requested we do a podcast episode on building trust and open communication with your kids and we wanted to get…

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40. Our Favorite Things

Powered by RedCircle We’ve had some pretty heavy topics on the podcast recently, so we decided to do something fun and more lighthearted this week. I asked on Instagram for your best ideas for a lighthearted podcast topic idea and many of you requested that we do a Favorite Things Episode.  So pretend you’re sitting…

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39. My Struggle with Anxiety (with Jesse Paine)

Powered by RedCircle A few months ago, I did an Instagram Live on anxiety where I talked about what to say to someone who struggles with anxiety. In that live, I opened about walking with Jesse through his anxiety and the lessons that I’ve learned through it. After I did that video, I got a…

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38. Marriage and Business: An Honest Conversation (with Jesse Paine)

Powered by RedCircle Remember that goal I set in 2018 to open our home every single week? Well, it was hard and scary at first, but the more we did it, the more it’s become second nature to use! Last week alone, we opened up our home all week to host three college girls who…

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