The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.
Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, I my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."
Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding
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Powered by RedCircle When Jesse and I got married, I tried so hard to fix him. I saw all of his shortcomings, and I wanted to help him be better. Surprise surprise, this caused a lot of tension. It took a while for me to realize that my job was to focus on myself (and…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Guess what? We’re trying something different for today’s episode! So many of you have asked such great questions and I haven’t had a chance to answer many of them, so today’s episode is completely devoted to answering your burning questions! Jesse is joining me and we’re answering them together — and neither…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle I was kind of giddy about doing today’s interview… because I had listened to Melissa Radke’s audiobook, Eat Cake, Be Brave, and had fallen in love with her hilarious, tell-it-like-it-is honesty and couldn’t wait to get to talk to her in person (well, it was actually over Skype, but that was a…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Guess what? Thanks to popular demand, Jesse is back on today’s episode! And this time, he’s joining me for the entire episode. We didn’t really plan it… he was just sitting across from me when I went live and his mic was turned on. As you’ll hear… he jumped right in! 😉…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Well, y’all, after 19 podcast episodes, I’m finally feeling like I’m starting to get my feet underneath me and feel more comfortable with this whole podcasting. So, even though it scared me a lot, this is the first episode where I didn’t plan out every word I was going to say. That’s…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Now that it’s February, the excitement of the new year has probably started to fade for you. And it’s around this time of the year that it can begin to feel like you just want to give up on your goals for 2019. This episode might be just the shot in the…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle I’m doing something I’ve never done on the podcast before… I’m doing an entirely interview-driven episode. I usually try to keep interviews with guests to around 15 minutes and then we devote the other 15 minutes of the podcast to other segments. But as I was prepping for this particular interview, I…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle (Jesse and I at a Ball on Saturday night! It was so fun to get all dressed up!) Jesse is joining me for another really honest episode where we share our more of our story. This time around, we dig into one of the harder seasons of our life, when Jesse was still…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle If you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you know that for years I said, “I’m not a fashionista!” I felt so inept when it came to putting together cute outfits and I felt like anytime anyone complimented me on my outfit, I needed to apologize for someone or deflect the…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Today we’re talking about sinuses, allergies, India, personal growth and development, and how to cultivate a grateful spirit. Yup, it’s another episode of The Crystal Paine Show… and like usual, you’re going to get a plethora of topics! 🙂 (Erin’s 52-Week Meal Planner — which she shares more about on the show!)…
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