The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.

Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, I my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."

Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding

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239. Trusting God When Life is Challenging (with Shane Stanford)

Powered by RedCircle I hope that you will join me for this exciting and thought-provoking conversation with Shane Standord, author of the book JourneyWise: Redeeming the Broken & Winding Roads We Travel (The Eight Blessings of the Beatitudes of Jesus)! ​​Shane has a truly powerful story to tell that’s driven by his unwavering faith, strength, and…

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238. Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Children (with Lauren Gaines)

Powered by RedCircle I am joined this week by Lauren Gaines, author of Unshakable Kids: Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Children. As someone who often discusses emotional language and nurturing emotional health in your kids, I have received many, many questions from moms about teaching these concepts to young kids, so Lauren…

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237. REAL TALK: When It’s Hard to Prioritize Your Marriage

Powered by RedCircle REAL TALK: this year has been stretching for our marriage. We’ve had some really hard and spark-less days. In fact, at the beginning of the summer, I looked into Jesse’s eyes and said: “This isn’t working. Something needs to change.” We talked about how we felt like we’d been running on empty…

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236. 1000 Hours Outside (with Ginny Yurich)

Powered by RedCircle I try not to have favorite podcast episodes, but I just really, really loved this episode and can’t wait for you to hear it. I hope it inspires and warms your heart as much as it did mine! This week, I got to sit down with Ginny Yurich, the founder of 1000…

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235. One simple tweak that has made a big impact in our lives

Powered by RedCircle Jesse and I did something we’ve never done before for this episode: we recorded it twice! Not because of technical issues, either. Listen in for why (and you can laugh!) In this week’s podcast, we share a candid glimpse into some struggles we’ve experienced in recent months that prompted a conversation that…

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234. Grieving the Loss of What Your Life Used to Be (with Chuck and Ashley Elliott)

Powered by RedCircle Do you miss a title you used to have, a role you used to have, or a person or thing that used to be a big part of your life? If so, today’s podcast episode will encourage your heart — especially if letting go of what your life used to look like…

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233. When an Unexpected Phone Call Turns Your Life Upside Down (with Jillian Benfield)

Powered by RedCircle This podcast episode is one I’d been looking forward to recording — because it is always so special to get to talk to a mom who also has a child with Down syndrome. Author of The Gift of the Unexpected: Discovering Who You Were Meant to Be When Life Goes Off Plan,…

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232. Why We Require Our Teens to Get a Job at 15

Powered by RedCircle Buckle up because we are diving into a pretty controversial topic this week on the podcast: ​​why we don’t think parents should pay for everything for their kids and why we expect our kids to get a job by 15. In this podcast episode, I share the story of a simple Instagram…

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231. A Healthy Perspective on Body Image (with Rachael Gilbert)

Powered by RedCircle Real talk: I’ve struggled with body image much of my life. I’ve used food and exercise as a reward and punishment. I’ve obsessed over what I ate or didn’t eat, how much I exercised or didn’t exercise, how my clothes fit or didn’t fit, and what the number on the scales. I’ve…

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230. Why I’m Saying No

Powered by RedCircle “Pretend you’re standing on the edge of a huge cliff and someone is going to push you off if you don’t let go of 2-3 things you’re carrying. What are you going to let go of?” I was at the end of my first coaching session with @alliworthington a few months ago and…

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