The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.
Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, I my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."
Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding
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Powered by RedCircle Just for fun, Jesse and I took the popular Share Your Assumptions About Me Instagram story idea and turned it into a podcast episode. We asked for people to share their assumptions about us and then we chose a number of them to respond/react to. We addressed assumptions that Jesse gets nervous…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle So often, when I share about something we’re doing — sticking with a $70 grocery budget, staying out of debt, choosing to save up and pay cash for something, fostering, etc., people will immediately write in and let me know why they can’t do what we’re doing. Here’s the thing: I don’t…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle It has been just over a year since we brought home Champ, our first long-term placement in our foster care journey. It’s been a year of learning, growing, and riding a rollercoaster of emotions. In this episode of the podcast, Jesse and I sit down and recount some of the most unexpected…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle For years, I let the belief that I was shy and introverted hold me back. While on the outside, I might have seemed like I was outgoing in some situations, I was constantly second-guessing and psycho-analyzing everything I did… “Do they like me? Did I disappoint them? Should I have been more…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle When Jesse and I were talking about what topic to tackle for this week’s episode, I said something to the affect of, “Well, I’ve gone on almost 60 other podcasts, radio shows, and TV shows talking about Love-Centered Parenting, but I’ve yet to really dive into the topic on my own podcast. Maybe…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle In light of so many new and unexpected things in our lives recently, Jesse and I are chatting all about how to maintain a positive attitude in difficult seasons. One of the most important things for me is to focus on how much I am loved by God. Remembering and resting in…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Do you have a soundtrack on repeat in your head that is repeating negative things and holding you back? Many of us do — often without even realizing it! Jon Acuff joins me on the podcast this week to share about how he discovered these soundtracks in his own life, how they…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Do you struggle to set good parameters for social media? In this week’s podcast episode, Jesse and I tackle a question from a listener about how we set boundaries for our phones (trust me, we’re a work in progress when it comes to this, as you’ll find out in the episode!) We…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle I recently shared some strategies on Instagram that have helped me to feel less stressed: 1) Recognize that in most cases, stress is a choice. No one can *make* me stressed (or angry or sad or happy, for that matter). I can choose my response in any situation. I can’t always choose…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle In this week’s episode of The Crystal Paine Show, Jesse and I sit down and give you a fun life update — sharing all about our wild week full of a trip to Disney for Jesse, saying yes to a sweet little foster baby who has medical complexities, learning how to care…
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