The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.

Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, I my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."

Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding

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34. Emotions & Wholehearted Living (with our pastor, Eric Hoffman)

Powered by RedCircle Jesse and I are excited to have our pastor on the show today! We’re part of the discipleship program that he started at our church, and you’ve probably heard us talk about the program many times if you’ve been following me online the last few years. Jesse actually joined the Discipleship Program…

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33. How to Be Married to a Strong Woman (with Jesse Paine)

Powered by RedCircle Jesse surprised me as we were prepping for this episode by telling me he had recently deleted Facebook off of his phone. I had no idea that he had, but I had noticed he has been knocking things off his to do list right and left. In this episode, we not only…

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32. What it’s like to be a Highly Sensitive Person (with Anne Bogel)

Powered by RedCircle Last time we recorded an episode for The Crystal Paine Show, we had just gotten back from Kansas. And this time, we just got back from Destin, Florida! It was our first time there (can you believe it?), and we had an amazing trip. We haven’t gone on a long road trip…

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31. Eat Well & Spend Less Time in the Kitchen (with Lisa Burns)

Powered by RedCircle (Listen to the episode for the story behind this photo!) Today’s episode not only includes details on our whirlwind trip to Kansas, my thoughts on buying markdowns, a book I loved recently, a new book Jesse is reading, and a very practical interview with Lisa Burns from This Pilgrim Life. I first…

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30. Why We Moved to Nashville (with Jesse Paine)

Powered by RedCircle Last week, Jesse and I were supposed to record an episode telling more of our story, but he had to go out of town unexpectedly and was gone for almost the whole week. In this episode, we share more about that, why we don’t function very well when he’s gone, but why…

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29. What is the Enneagram? (with Leigh Kramer)

Powered by RedCircle We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about the Enneagram recently, so I thought it was high time we devote part of an interview to explaining what it is and why it can make such a difference to understand. Truly, understanding the Enneagram has changed so much of my perspective on…

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28. The Secret to a Happier Marriage (with Audrey and Jeremy Roloff)

Powered by RedCircle Want to know the secret to a happier marriage? Tune in to this podcast episode with Audrey & Jeremy Roloff. We loved having Audrey & Jeremy Roloff into our home last week to record this join episode of the podcast. As I talk about on the show, I actually didn’t know who…

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27. Digital Minimalism (with Cal Newport)

Powered by RedCircle I am super excited to bring you this week’s episode of the podcast… but I have to be honest and tell you that recording this episode was one I was pretty nervous about. You see, unlike most of my other guests, I didn’t have any relationship with Cal Newport. I didn’t know…

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26. How Myers-Briggs Saved My Marriage (with Meg Tietz)

Powered by RedCircle Guess what? I have some big news about a change for the podcast! Jesse is officially my new co-host on The Crystal Paine Show! I’ve gotten such great feedback every time he’s been on the show and we have had so much fun recording together, so I’m excited to have him joining…

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25. The Year My Body Broke Down (with Jesse Paine)

Powered by RedCircle After last time Jesse was on my podcast, I got a request from a listener asking if he could do more of the talking on the episodes he’s on. He’s actually quite a talker when he feels comfortable in situations (and can give me a run for my money when it comes…

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