The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.
Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, I my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."
Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, speaker, New York Times bestselling author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding
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Powered by RedCircle Board games and card games can be such a great way to have some frugal fun! Best of all, once you’ve invested in a game, you can play it over and over and over again — without ever spending another dime! In this week’s episode of the podcast, Jesse and I share…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle “Could you share some parenting advise for raising my enneagram 8 daughter? She is very headstrong and persistent, but has a complete disregard for rules and regularly challenges authority. As an enneagram 5 (and people pleaser), I do not understand the way she thinks. We have gone around and around and I’ve tried to get to…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle One of the things our family loves to do together is watch shows and movies. Recently, someone asked what our favorite shows are to watch together as a family. So, we all talked together as a family and put together a list of some of the shows we’ve most enjoyed together. On…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle We’re back! Jesse and I have really missed recording podcasts, but it was also nice to take a break and figure out a good rhythm of having three older kids and two babies. In this episode, we not only share Kierstyn’s birth store but we also answer the questions many of you…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle A lot of you have asked for my thoughts on how we’re dealing with the Pandemic as parents. Every child is different and you know your kids best, so I’m only sharing how we are approaching things at our house… and these principles can be applied to many different seasons of upheaval.…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle I usually have almost endless ideas for content. However, with the world in so much upheaval, I’ve struggled with how to be a podcaster. Should I only talk about the pandemic because it’s impacting everyone’s lives or should I go ahead with producing normal content? As I was grappling through this, I…
Listen and Read More(The kids have been coming up with lots of unique and fun projects to try at home. Kaitlynn made mini s’mores the other day!) By popular request, we had fun this week sitting down and talking about some of our favorite creative family fun things to do at home. If you are looking for some…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Since we all have been home pretty much 24/7 recently self-isolating, we thought it would be fun to do a laid-back family episode for the podcast week. I asked on Instagram what questions you’d love for us to discuss as a family, and you all submitted such great ideas. In this episode,…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle Well, like I’ve alluded to other places online, the past two weeks have been packed full of so many different, unexpected things. Some good, some hard, some just plain different than what we expected. It feels almost as if we’ve lived through an entire month in just a week’s time. In this…
Listen and Read MorePowered by RedCircle I know that the whole world is kind of in upheaval right now and there’s a lot of unknown and uncertainty. I debated whether to go ahead and go with this podcast that was planned for the week as it didn’t really have much of anything to do with what’s going on…
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